Live sale – auction BARGAINS BY BELLE which starts with a $1 Belle’s #Bargain BONANZA round #snack #snacks #snacklovers #shopping #sell #seller #selling #buy #buying #reseller #reselling #resellingyoutubechannels
To register for the auction – send an email to: with your YouTube Name, Legal Name, Mailing Address, whether you prefer Zelle or PayPal, shipping preferences, and if you want to provide an emergency phone number.
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Belle’s Zelle tip jar:
Belle’s PayPal tip jar:
I prefer payments via ZELLE (because of no fees) but also accept PayPal, money orders, cashier’s checks and cash. I invoice through PayPal invoices.
Shipping is NOT including in the bidding price and is added during the invoice process (based on zip code, package size and weight) and is a discounted shipping through Pirate Ship.
All sales are final. All bids are binding (the ONLY time you can retract a bid is DURING the live auction). All items are “as is” .
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